Sweet, cute, heart touching love letters are written from the heart for my dedicated readers.

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Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Sweet touching love letter

My Sweet Heart,

From the moment I heard your voice I felt a connection to your soul. I can still remember exactly how you looked the day we first met. Your beautiful eyes captured my heart and your smile erased any and all doubts that I had ever experienced. When you opened your arms I stepped into your loving, kind embrace and knew that I was "home" right where I had always belonged.

I could see the longing and passion in your eyes and I am sure that it was a reflection of the incredibly intense desire that I was feeling at the same moment. The world had ceased to exist and there were only the two of us sitting next to each other, holding hands and experiencing emotions that we had never felt before.

When you first whispered the words, "I love you," into my ear as we walked along the road, it was the happiest moment in my life. My joy was deeper, richer and more intense than I had ever dreamed possible. I can remember the tears in my eyes as I turned to look at you when you left me on that day. I Love you so much. Want you in my life for ever.

Only Yours



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