Sweet, cute, heart touching love letters are written from the heart for my dedicated readers.

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Saturday, 13 June 2015

Best heart touching love letter

Dear Nivy,

You know very well that I love you and you love me too. You really touching my heart and this letter I am writing for you to that how much I love you. Till I wonder why you chose me and why you are with me. I know we've gone through so much distance. We had many hard times but many more good times. We share the same things, we try to understand each other, even try to be there as friends, as soul mates. I even ask myself why you chose to ask me to marry you and I have no answers, because only your love.

I enjoy doing things with you and spending time with you. I get upset because all I want are those times with you when we don't have much. As we reach two years together, I see that I do want to spend my lifetime with you, to grow old together to the end of our time. Take my hand as we walk through these pains to the sun shining on the other side where our life begins. I love you very much.

Yours Chinmay


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