Sweet, cute, heart touching love letters are written from the heart for my dedicated readers.

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Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Sweet Touching Love Letter

My Cutee,

How are you? You know I love you so much and can’t live without you. I need you all the time of my life. I just want you to sit under the stars with me on a clear summer night and I want to kiss you in the rain for a really long time. You know that your presence is like a cold wind blowing all over me.  It makes me to tremble, makes me feel weak that all I want is for you to wrap your warm loving arms around my quivering body. I am crazy about your presence baby. I want your kiss that always your kiss that always leads me to a place of forgetfulness. It makes me forget the rest of the existence. 

We can talk on the phone all late at night and regret it the next morning when it's time to go to college. I want you to know every little detail about me and still love me for who I am. Hold my hand when I need someone to sit with and talk about what's wrong. I hope we can be together forever because I love you.

Yours only


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