Sweet, cute, heart touching love letters are written from the heart for my dedicated readers.

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Saturday, 10 February 2018

Amazing Love letter to win her heart

My Cute Darling,

I know you have a little heart and I have no words for you my love, I shall never have. Because I know you are mine, I am yours. Now, here is one sign of what I said: that I must love you more than at first. a little sign, and to be looked narrowly for or it escapes me, but then the increase it shows can only be little, so very little now.

At first I only thought of being happy in you, in your happiness: now I most think of you in the dark hours that must come – I shall grow old with you, and die with you – as far as I can look into the night I see the light with me: and surely with that provision of comfort one should turn with fresh joy and renewed sense of security to the sunny middle of the day, I am in the full sunshine now and believe in it now, for then!”

I love you so much and want to be lost within you.

Yours only


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