Sweet, cute, heart touching love letters are written from the heart for my dedicated readers.

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Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Most Romantic Love letters

My dear sweetie,

Love is a divine feeling. Its divinity binds the humanity. It cannot be truly expressed in words but can be only felt. This letter speaks the feelings of my heart. I have never seen an angel but I find the one now in this universe. You know who is the person that's you. I am not a poet but you made me a poet with your love. I found God’s presence in your smile. I am very lucky to find you by my side.

I don't know what is the future of our relationship. But I want nothing more than to spend my life without you. When I wake in the morning I want to find you there beside me. When I go to sleep at night I want to feel your arms holding me, protecting me from the world. You are only my dream and I really miss you a lot. I love you and I realizes that God is there with us. 

Yours Love


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