Sweet, cute, heart touching love letters are written from the heart for my dedicated readers.

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Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Best Romantic Love Letters for Girlfriend

Beloved Sweet Heart,

You are the most beautiful, heart touching, adorable, romantic person in this universe. I am writing this letter as a gift of my love. I know this will not only gives you confident, it also give you joy of your life and faithful to me. My love, you must not lose hope, for if hope is lost, then I fear we too will be lost forever. If your parents has forbidden you to see me publicly, then let us meet under starlight at the windmill upon the mountain. There, late at night, the wood owls make their sweet music.

We shall talk together, embrace one another, and at least have two hours each night before the early dawn light. And I still hope if we wait for a few months longer, his mind might be persuaded to receive a poor man like me into your gentle family. I love you so much and will forever.

Yours Only


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