Sweet, cute, heart touching love letters are written from the heart for my dedicated readers.

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Monday, 12 February 2018

Romantic Proposal Love Letter for her

Dear Sweetheart,

I am here always there for you and I am sending much love and fondness to you with this letter. My adorable darling, how far can you go for me? I am keen to go far and beyond just to let you realize that you are the most excellent thing that has happened to me in my whole life. I can't see you now but I can feel you with my heart. Your kindness goes unrewarded. 

Sweetheart, your love is deeper than the deepest ocean, extensive than the skies and brighter than the brightest star that shines all night. You raise my soul every time I think of you. You are my sunrise and the shining star! I can't wait to have you near me and I will go to your parents and ask your hands soon. I hope everything is right and we will be together for ever. I love you so much and waiting for a positive response from your side. Sweet kisses for your lips. 

Yours Only


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