Sweet, cute, heart touching love letters are written from the heart for my dedicated readers.

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Monday, 12 February 2018

Romantic love letters from your heart

My Sweetest Darling,

You are the most beautiful girl in this universe that I love you more than I could ever express in a few words. I long to be with you as I feel the happiest when I am in your arms. You are the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me and I treasure you more than you know. 

When I look into your eyes, my dear, I am lost in a world of magic. I can't say how much I love you. I love you each and every single moment of my life. I love you more than words can say. The time spent with you was the most memorizing and delightful of my life. I believe in miracles and that's why I am asking whether you will be my partner for the rest of my life.

My tender love and my hug are always with you. This letter is a gift of love for you.

With love. 



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